Crows on the Pike

Jan 7th, 2020
Neighborhood Center: Arlington Mill, Columbia Forest
Columbia Pike / Dinwiddie

Today near Arlington Mill Community Center there were hundreds of crows. I was surrounded by them. Someone said it was a Crow Funeral. I looked it up on the web, and there is such a thing. It was incredible.

Crows  on the Pike, Crow Funeral
Crows  on the Pike, Crow Funeral

Crows  on the Pike, Crow Funeral
Crows  on the Pike, Crow Funeral

Crows  on the Pike, Crow Funeral
Crows  on the Pike, Crow Funeral

Crows  on the Pike, Crow Funeral
Crows  on the Pike, Crow Funeral

Crows  on the Pike, Crow Funeral
Crows  on the Pike, Crow Funeral